Peak of Perfection
To my eyes, a tulip that has long since showed its vibrance continues to be beautiful, but with more character. I have kept a few tulips for a very long time but they will now (I'm afraid) be consigned to the compost heap. However, the compost will then be used to spread over newly growing veg and so live to flourish another day in another way.
I used my Sony compact camera for this and it has done a great job. The camera I have had for quite a few years - it is fully manual with pop-up viewfinder, takes raw & jpegs and is easy in the hand; for much of my photography it will do an excellent job.
My evening was judging a competition between four clubs - each had put in fifteen of their best images and there wasn't one poor image there - just degrees of excellence; I never cease to be amazed at how many talented, creative photographers there are - it is humbling to be invited to give my opinions!
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