But not always daft, Missy adores water but decided not to swim today lol.
Original plans for the day cancelled, so the chance to go and do a few errands, recces, conversations that always seem to slip away.
A new(ish) venue, still part of the fabulous Water Park Estate, but very different, am now up to speed on the av facilities, security etc.
Then a chat with the centre head about Wellness Walks providing training to their team, reciprocal benefits.
Wandered a large part of a new route, some big fallen tree based detours, but could be nice if the path is cleared.
Then a scoping meeting about putting some monthly provision into delivering walks in Millom, hopefully able to offer our old participants at least some opportunities to get out of the town and away from their worries.
Even managed to have lunch with Mrs IttH at her new office - Blackwell the Arts and Craft House is really rather stunning.
Back to discover a huge tree down in the Hall's grounds - so sad, but also a real worry as it's one of a few of similar species and size, they would reach our neighbours house, possibly even ours, if they fell that way.
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