
By helenann

Battered Cyclamen

After all the recent storms my container of cyclamen plants is looking a bit worse for wear. Hope they will will recover. It was sunny early on, and we did the Big Garden Bird Watch for an hour. However, it was rather disappointing with very few birds seen: 3 Blue Tits, 1 Great Tit, 4 Wood  Pigeons, 6 House Sparrows, 1 Robin and 1 Wren. Better luck tomorrow?
Our friend Colin came round for a chat about celebrating  our local wildlife group's twenty years of existence, this year. We desperately need an influx of younger members to carry out the practical tasks! 

This evening, we met up with ukulele friends at the Arc in Winchester for a concert by Amelia Coburn (singer/ songwriter and uke player)  and  Jim Moray ( folk singer/ guitar player) which was a very pleasant way to spend a couple of hours,    

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