Light entertainment

By annejohn

Snow on the Pentlands

A walk around central Queen Street Gardens in the morning. One obviously wind damaged branch on a laurel bush, lots of small branches down, but no obvious other damage. Found several patches of aconites flowering in dim corners. 

A longer walk in the afternoon, starting by tram to Haymarket then walking through to Russel Road. We found the new bike path which starts at the bottom of the zigzags down from the Roseburn path. It has long ramps up to the new bridge over the Edinburgh - Glasgow railway line from where the blip was taken. There's an exit not yet finished to connect to Duff Street; the path now connects to the existing path that runs between Lidl and the Western Approach Road. We took the Telfer Subway up to Dundee Street and circled back to Haymarket via Moda and Dalry Road. 

Snow on the hills, and an East wind. 3C, but it felt much colder than that, and the ground was frozen alongside the path; noticeably colder than in the city.

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