Festival colours

Edinburgh suddenly becomes especially bright and vibrant when August arrives :)

After work today I decided to make the most of the weather and take a wander to soak up the atmosphere of the first real day of the Fringe. (Up until now most Fringe activity has been warming up to the big event with preview shows and venue set-up). Initially I had only intended on going in for maybe an hour but ended up staying out for nearly 3.

Took a walk along the mile which is yet to reach its full level of creative craziness and then spent some time at the Mound to watch a couple of Virgin Money Street Events. Genuinely intrigued and quite impressed by the two that I saw - one following a similar format to others I had seen in the past yet still bringing something different and the other just completely unique and different to any that I had seen before. Although I think the flip side to this was that it took the audience that little bit longer to get into it and grasp what it was all about.

Lovely evening weatherwise and the city is filling with that brilliant Fringe atmosphere :)

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