
By aryomjapes

Hymn drama

I needed a rest after church today after the mid hymn interruption of someone marching up to me at the organ to insist I was playing the wrong hymn. I was bemused as everyone else was happily singing, and it was quickly established it was not me who was wrong... but not without me having to stop playing to point out we were all correct, and could they please go back to do the job they were meant to be doing at that point in the service. Then I beamed at everyone else, announced we'd start that verse again, and off we went.

I did wonder if I'd confused them with my choice of tune, as we were ending with "And can it be" which we do sing with great enthusiasm, so I was wanting to save some energy for that. 

Still, it wasn't public hymn tunes wars, just a moment of something or other.... (I do think this person needs a holiday, or at least a couple of Sundays off, and I said so afterwards.)

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