Wendy's World

By Wendles56

RSPB Bird Count

Sadly our bird count is much lower this year, partly due we feel to the loss of the elder tree.  The regulars were all on the feeders today but no nuthatch or goldfinches.  On the plus side one siskin arrived during the hour of the Count.  Afterwards I went up to the Drying Ground to clear some more of the brambles.  I cleared a holly bush of them and spotted it has had berries, so that's good.  Then, as I packed up to come away at lunchtime, I caught sight of a treecreeper in the mature silver birch.  I do enjoy working on the ground because there's always a few passing folk to chat to and I met new neighbours M and E who, it turns out, have worked for the RSPB and the Canals and Rivers Trust - so we will be tapping into their expertise no doubt!

The promised rain arrived after lunch so I have been doing the jigsaw I gave to Tony at Christmas up to roast dinner time.

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