
By JennyOwen


A dismal day, in terms of the weather. One of those days when it has barely seemed to get light.
I did take advantage of enforced time indoors to move on with sorting through my box files of old negatives. There's a lot there that will just need throwing out. I'm aiming to sift out a small number of images to digitise, as I work my way through. It's fun to do: good memories, mixed memories, a few excruciating ones :-)
Meanwhile, Richard and I are coming towards the last few episodes of the final series of The West Wing. We never watched it when it was originally broadcast (1999-2006). We've been struck by how perceptive the series was about many themes, not least the rightwards shift in the Republican party. Watching this idealised vision of a White House administration populated by sane and generally well- intentioned characters has been poignant.

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