twinned with trumpton


A morning of waiting around to see what was happening; was Stirling's game on v Bonnyrigg? Was there going to be a train to get us there?

(a) Yes
(b) No 

So onto a 200 bus to the airport and a draughty wait there for the 909 to Stirling. 

Onto Forthbank and into the supporter's bar. I had a Tennant's; Tom did likewise. I said Alex was too young. The server said 'he looks old enough to me' and brought him a bottle of Bud.... (see extra)

2 minutes in and we went ahead; were 3 up by half time (and missed a penalty- more save than miss) and we thereafter endured a snoozefest of a 2nd half. 

Back to the bus station; and about 2 hours after the game ended, we boarded a bus back to Embra. 

I headed to fetch the hound and finally made it in after 9; I think I was in earlier from the Peterheid game last week!

Persiana stew and rice and peas; and I managed about the first 2 MOTD games before crashing....

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