A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Cheerful bunch.

A miserable cold day. Deceptive too as Chris texted me after heading up to church to warn me that the pavements were icy again! 
Changed my boots and made it by walking mainly on the road until I got to the village.

I immediately liked this cheerful little bunch of daffs on the font, I have a similar one at home, £1 from M & S!

Third Sunday in Epiphany and apart from the cold and the feeling that January is going on forever we were a cheerful bunch!

I noted the activity in the feeders this morning and it didn’t  seem any busier than yesterday, if anything even quieter. When I got home from church there were feathers under the feeders. Not a lot - that might indicate a visit from the Sparrow Hawk. Since we lost our cat there are others that come into the garden that she wouldn't have tolerated  but I don’t think we’ll ever know. Small grey feathers so perhaps a pigeon.

Raining now, stay warm everyone, another storm on its way!

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