Survival of the Dead
This being the sixth, and hopefully last, film in George A Romero's zombie saga.
In the film, a bunch of soldiers (who made an appearance in "Diary") attempt to escape to Plum Island which would be zombie-free haven if it weren't for a feud between two families who have lived there for generations. One family believe all zombies should be eliminated post haste, the other wants to keep them around in the hope that they can be cured.
From here, the story follows very much the same formula as "Dawn", "Day" and "Land" - survivors find safe haven only to have said haven destroyed by people behaving like idiots. These movies are like the zombies themselves, repeating the same actions over and over with little deviation and less point.
What scared me about the "Dawn of the Dead" zombies wasn't that they were gross and ate people. Because they are actually sort of silly-looking and a bit rubbish. What's scary is the inevitability of them. Our heroes may be able to escape a few dozen, but they kept on coming in their hundreds. In that way they are a metaphor for death itself, which you can get away from if you're lucky, but only for so long. Sorry to bring you down and everything, but there it is.
But what's the point anymore? There's been nothing original of interesting coming out of these films since "Day". Add to this the fact that the residents of the island have silly Irish-ish accents and always refer to each by their full names. ("Aha, so it's Seamus Muldoon is it?" "Yes it is, Patrick O'Flynn" and so on). The result is a seriously sub-par zombie sequel. That said, it's an improvement on the Bush-metaphor heavy "Land" and the idiotic-teenager heavy "Diary".
Let's just hope that "Survival" has put axe into the head of this series once and for all. 5/10
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