It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco


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Getting home at 4:10 am and getting to bed at about 6 am...Not being able to sleep...and the the alarm going off at 8:30 am is not conducive to feeling great...but with precious little time to spend together my partner and I have to make the most of things.

So yesterday we decided no matter what we were going to The Cotswolds Wildlife Park today!
It was grey and drizzling this morning ...but we thought hey we are going any way.
The drive through Oxfordshire is glorious. Its so pretty.
Upon arriving we saw it was rather busy...brats everywhere..;-( Summer holidays so nowt else to expect.
I've always wanted to photograph a Giraffe! There they were bless them. Such beautiful gentle creatures.
I took a good few so Ill have to Flickr them in due course.
Fell asleep on the drive home and once home simply crashed out for a few hours.
Feel pretty crap but you cant expect a lot else.
After a few days Ive realised when I fell down the stairs I bruised my back too...Such is life.
Hope your all having a great weekend Blippies.
I apologise for not commenting much I will try to catch up tonight.
Draco The Sleepy Dragon x

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