Voyage of a Beagle & Lab

By Inez


So I've the beagle posing nicely in the garden, a couple of shots fired off and D pulls into the drive, as soon as she hears the car the head whips round and she's off at high speed to the gate. She was thrown today because D actually came in the gate, usually she says a quick hello and runs inside to greet you at the kitchen door. D had returned with his new lawnmower, the old one died at the beginning of the week and which model to replace it with has been debated all week, the other great debate has been whether two beagles are better than one. Anyway, having helped assemble the new machine D played on my love for all things shiny and new and asked if I would like to try it out and before I knew it I was cutting the entire back lawn, only about the second time in 18 years of marriage and certainly the first time in the 11 years we've lived in this house - so if I can do it I'm sure we can train the children too!

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