
By JohnW

Cause and Effect!

What a silly Saturday!
Took Biskit out for his morning walk, and just on a blind bend in High Street we found this car almost completely blocking the foot path!   Not wanting to walk in the road where traffic coming from either direction cannot see you until the last moment we squeezed past between the car and the hedge.  Being annoyed I took a photograph to send to the local council – we do get problems from time to time.
On the way back we squeezed through again, only this time I tripped on something and fell flat on my face (well near enough).  I was holding Biskit’s lead in one hand one hand, and unfortunately my other hand happened to be in my coat pocket, so with only one arm free I was unable to get up nor get at my telephone.  I did finally manage to get over onto my back, but still couldn’t get up in spite of wriggling forward a bit. 
Although I managed to get my hand out of my jacket pocket I couldn’t get at my phone because I was trapped between the hedge and the car.  So I was reduced to calling for help for what must have been ten or fifteen minutes.  Finally the postman came past and helped me up  (and Biskit was friendly :-))  ).   The occupant of the house where I suspected the owner of that car was may have been taking cover as my language was a little ripe when I went over!  Just a little . . .  !!
Anyway, when I got home, feeling angry but unhurt, Mrs W forbad me to go shopping nor do anything else, so I did as I was told and changed my (clean on this morning) trousers as the bum was wet and mucky where I had shuffled along the path for a bit.  It was then I discovered the damage, and realised that in fact my leg was hurting a bit too.  It was just after that when things caught up and I have spent the rest of the day recovering being waited on by Mrs W. 
The daughter came to pick up Biskit and stayed for a long chat.  I’m being allowed to cook dinner – haggis neeps and mash, well it is Burn’s Night.  That was going to be my blip, but not needed now . . .

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