Just Checking....
... and hoping that all remains stable. So far, cutting back one pill is not upsetting my BP readings. Perhaps this will eventually lead to cutting back more?
I have been taking daily BP readings now since September 27 when I came home from hospital. It is such a fixture in my daily routine that, unless someone is coming to visit, the equipment sits there on my dining room table like a centrepiece!
And finally the light went on. "What is this I see before me? Aha! an emergency blip-op right there before my eyes. Why did I not think of this before?
The day was pretty uninteresting....garbage day - ho hum - out before daybreak in the freezing cold lugging bins to the curb. Hours spent tracking down auto-payment companies to inform them of the new expiry date on my credit card. Time preparing for my cleaner who comes tomorrow..I can make quite a cluttered mess between her visits...
Oh yes, and buying tickets online for the movies tomorrow with Noreen. We are diligently working on our goal of seeing as many Oscar nominated moves as we can fit into our hectic social lives...just kidding...about our social lives..not the movies! :))
Tomorrow is WICKED.
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