Milly is training up for the Rome marathon in March and her training plan has started throwing up some longer runs, the latest one being 16.8 miles.
It's further than she's run before and she asked me to do it with her, so I said "Sure!" without really considering the fact that ten miles is the furthest I've run since the the Kielder marathon at the start of last October.
Anyway... we set off around one-thirty along a route that took us up the Old Scotch Road, round past Bendrigg Lodge, and then home through the no man's land north of the A65.
It was a pretty tough run, mainly because that area is unavoidably hilly, and also because the weather was pretty miserable. Milly did brilliantly, though, and, as ever, we seemed to find plenty to chat about.
The best bit of the day, though, was going down to The Royal Barn in the evening for pizzas :-)
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