Blush response

By Esper

Shine On You Crazy Diamond

On This Day In History
1905: The world's largest diamond, the Cullinan diamond,  is found

Quote Of The Day
"A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure."
(Henry Kissinger)

A lot of pressure went into the creation of this diamond of a city.

After preparing most of my lessons for next week in the morning, I went to Kobe in the afternoon. Dropped of a few things at work, then popped across the road to the N.H.K. Studio where I will take my class on Monday morning to see the temporary exhibition of N.H.K. material about the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. 

Since it was such a lovely day I then walked up to the Venus Bridge to enjoy the view, then down to Meriken Park. On the way down the hill I met a couple of my pupils from last year and we had a nice little chat.

I'll get some more work done this evening.

Under Pressure

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