A wild and windy night, we seem to becoming a country obsessed by weather conditions and forecasts (since a certain Michael Fish was accused of misreporting the weather back a while), the latest named storm provided our media and statistical “experts” plenty of stories and records to sell via newsreels.
Once daylight arrived the wind was blowing but not threatening to kill us as we wandered across the squelchy meadows. Higher ground was drier and although blowy we certainly had a less stories here in the South West for the reporters to get their teeth into.
I spent some quality time cancelling subscriptions and accounts which were too persistent with their sending out magazines and catalogs which I no longer require, chatting to my pension fund controllers (after they had read out their disclaimer information to me). Fairly successful I think, time will tell.
I collected a waste water container with wheels I’d bought privately for £20, we met in a garden centre car park and so afterwards Dippy and I had a mooch around. Some of the flowers were almost unnaturally bright in colour. Dippy was fascinated by a very still lamb which even after he’d barked at it to run, remained exactly where it was.
We bought a bird seed feeder and some wild bird seed for much less than a ten pounds and scampered off home to place it in the woods before dark.
The evening was spent chatting to my friends far and wide with positivity and a sense of peace and hope for our country becoming less reliant upon consumerism.
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