
By davidc

Flat Pack Toy

Although Tuesday was Grandson P's birthday, it worked out best to hold his little party tomorrow, and we decided it was best for him to have his main present from his Gran and me then too.

So this evening Son#1 and I spent a happy 3 hours after P went to bed, constructing some flat pack toy furniture: the kitchen unit you can see in this blip. (It was supposed to take 2 hours, but you know what these things are like!).

All went well until the final attachment of the doors when we discovered a slight fault in the "oven" door: the screw holes for the hinges are about 2mm out of alignment so that it clashes with the middle door. We want P to be able to play with it tomorrow and we reckoned that it's more important for the oven to have its door on than for the cupboard to its left, so we've left the cupboard door off for the moment while we contact the company to get a new oven door.

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