Dish Detergent Bar in Steel Shaker
Some very close quesses yesterday!
You must be too young….we used to use these to wash our dishes by hand in the 1950s.
We have a local person who makes all varieties of soap, including a bar for washing dishes . The bar is put inside this Shaker and I shake it under the running tap. It produces a good lather and is great for handwashing dishes and reduces using plastic bottles of detergent. We have been using this method to hand wash dishes since we came to Wānaka.
Another full day. Frida and I walked, then I quickly mowed the street lawn as it looked like it would rain….we got a few spits! We have been asked by our local council to conserve water use, as it is a long time since it rained.
I made another fruit cake this afternoon, as it is great to take on our longer walks and handy to have when friends pop in. We are going out for dinner tonight, so we will take a salad from the greens and tomatoes in our garden to share.
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