talloplanic views

By Arell

Weather we like it or not

When my head becomes migraineous
And the cures are unobtaineous
I will hide under blankets
All day long and to be frank it's
Such a paineous I'd thank it just to go.*

The day started at 0630 with fearsome gales roaring in, and earplugs, headphones and two hours of Classic Praha didn't help me get much more sleep. My ribs were still sore and the ibuprofen didn't seem to help by breakfast time.

I drafted some FOI requests to send to the Council because I was feeling especially argumentative, and then noticed I was having an ocular migraine. Maybe the very low air pressure was a factor.

I had a video chat with lovely bestie after that but my WiFi kept dropping out and the cocodamol I'd had for the migraine seemed to make me feel worse, not better. I managed a tiny bit of lunch and went back to bed, and vaguely slept but mainly dozed until about 1900, amidst various nerve-janglingly loud rattles and roars from outside.

My huge pot plant that sits in half an oak barrel full of soil, and which is far too heavy for me to lift, was blown right over.  I haven't been outside to check the roof yet.

* with apologies to Tom Lehrer

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