Storm Éowyn
I slept fairly well last night aware that the storm wasn't likely to hit till today. When I woke between 7 and 8, the gusts were pretty fierce to the extent that I kept the curtains closed and put some earplugs in to block out the worst of the noise!
I did rouse myself enough to take the second of the barometer photos here. The top picture was at midnight and the lower 7.30. It's almost off the scale, I don't think I've ever seen such low pressure before.
The other image is a very poor attempt to catch the movement in the silver birches next door. At times they were almost horizontal.
I did as I was told and didn't go out today - why would I want to? I did check quickly after the worst had passed, to make sure there was no damage. We're fine but poor Ali has lost a roof tile and their back fence has gone. I spent the afternoon setting up the airtags to connect to my iPad for travelling.
It's 8.15pm now, a nice early blip for a change. The barometric pressure is now back up to where it was at midnight, still low, but much closer to normal thank goodness.
Hope everyone has come through without any serious damage. Time for another early night tonight I am thinking.
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