My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd


I had booked to go crafting a Hygge Board today at the Scrap Store.
I arrived in time & saw a lady I had been at College with before Christmas, so it was nice to see her.
I sat close to her & we chatted, I also chatted to the others there.
We were to chose pictures & we liked & to stick them on a piece of card; I'd call it a Mood Board.
I have colours on my mind for my Middle Son & wife to be for their wedding, so Rust, Burnt Orange & Olive & Sage Greens were the order of the day; I found a young married couple, baby, dog, chickens, cats, fox, Butterfly, Giraffe & frogs & I arranged them, took a photo then stuck them in that placement.
Afterwards I popped into ASDA for a bowl of soup, bread roll & a cuppa for £1. Bargain & it was nice, I think I'll go again Friday.
Home to make Dinner. 

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