Organic Abstract
...a plant on the bookshelf with ICM created by the slow shutter app. Congratulations to Ingeborg for this AT500!
We met our friends Tom and Sandy at the SMART train and took them to our special occasion restaurant, Willi's Wine Bar for lunch. *Tom and John worked together at Chevron and traveled the world together. Sandy is a geologist and still quite active in local creek saving efforts and other things we never had a chance to talk about. Tom is quite the raconteur and at 91, still very good at it. One of the first things he told us is that he is blind in one eye (cataract surgery gone bad for reasons you don't want to hear about) and has macular degeneration in the other. He continues to be his usual cheerful self and manages quite well. He says he doesn't drive anymore, but still pedals! Fortunately they live quite near all essential services so he can ride his bike there. We had a lovely time catching up and listening to Tom's stories.
My computer issue yesterday had a very simple solution. It was plugged into the power cord, but the power strip the power cord was plugged into had inadvertently gotten turned off. ONce i switched it back on the computer charged up nicely. I have no idea why my phone wouldn't publish my entry but suspect it had something to do with the extra. It gets quite bolshy if I try to change it. If I get anything new, it will be a phone, and IM really not ready to do that yet either....
I have now assembled all the pieces of the star coat into 'sandwiches of front, batting and lining, and am slowly but surely quilting them by hand. Then will come the moment of truth...sewing the pieces together and deciding,
1) If I like it
2) If it fits
3) If I wear it.
I have enough fabric left to make a skirt but I think that might be going a bit too far.
My thoughts are with all you Blippers in the UK and Ireland battening down the hatches for Eowen. I understand it is the same storm that battered the US in a variety of unseasonal and catastrophic ways, so I would take the red flag warnings seriously and stay indoors. Stay safe.
*extra. Willi's is special to us for a variety of reasons which I'm sure I've written about. When we first went there it was a sort of road house on the edge of town. That building burned down in the Tubbs fire and they have relocated closer in town. The atmosphere is very different. The food is exactly the same and very good.
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