Shelter Cat
I spent about an hour and a half photographing cats at the local shelter, enjoying every moment of it. This little kitten is a recent arrival and is still quite frightened so hides herself under all her fleece blankets. We moved aside her blankets just long enough to grab a few shots and then let her retreat to her safe, dark place. I think her face is just extraordinary.
The woman who manages the shelter is such a kind soul and really tries her best to find the right homes for the cats and kittens. Even with her best efforts, sometimes the adoptions don't work and cats are returned which is sad. Someone recently returned 2 adorable black kittens because they were "too playful". Can you imagine?
I like doing these "shelter shoots" even though the shooting conditions are far from ideal. I have to put clean backgrounds out of my head when I'm there and be prepared to shoot into cages, around litter boxes, and in less-than-ideal settings. It's a challenge that I enjoy and I think I have managed to get some very pleasing images. And if it helps to draw attention to the animals in need of homes, I'm happy to be a part of it. A shot of two black kittens in Extra, shot with a window in the background (Exposure Comp set at +2).
And if today wasn't already enough fun, Hubs and I are having virtual dinner with Peg tonight, so yay!
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