The saga continues ...
On the subject of misplaced items, I can report that emu and the croc shoe are sadly still awaiting rescue by their owners.
The Lime bike too is still at large, although its location changes by the hour. On my walk up to the Atrium to have coffee with a friend this morning we came across it in the middle of the pavement, right at the point where it intersects with a footpth leading to the Green, as can be seen in my picture. When I got home from having coffee I once again contacted Lime to thank them for responding so quickly to my last request, but saying I was surprised their operators hadn’t removed the bike, just propped it up against a wall beside the copse. I sent them a photo of its current location, and pointed out the dangers to the many mothers with buggies, elderly people walking to church (that’s me, folks!) and crowds of schoolchildren, several abreast, who use the path and pavement regularly, and I asked them to remove the bike before it caused an accident.
Once again I had a swift reply from someone at Lime who said all the right things, including agreeing with me that it was disheartening to hear that the bike was not removed completely and was now being moved around, causing potential hazards for those people I mentioned who frequent that part of the pavement.
Later on this afternoon I went out for a walk by myself, partly because I needed some fresh air and exercise, and partly because I wanted to see if the bike had been removed. No, it was still there, but about fifty yards down the road from the previous position, right near a kerbside London Plane tree, and almost blocking the pavement. I just hope no-one trips over it in the dark.
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