
By Shutterup


Just love the little blue tits that visit the feeders. This one was waiting patiently while its friend tucked into the coconut fat balls voraciously. I am sure they know there is a storm on its way as the feeders are busy busy this morning. 
Took the car to the garage for its service early this morning and when we go and collect it later we will also pick up little J who is coming to stay for the weekend. 
The wind is beginning to stir and I don't expect it to be as bad here as up north but keep safe everyone.. tie down anything loose in your gardens to avoid any damage Eowyn will inflict. 
We have cleaned out the bird box and it is getting daily visits from a pair of blueys.. keeping fingers crossed the bees and hornets don't pay a visit this summer
Now, back to the wardrobe clearing

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