Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Sir Tiffany the Brave

Tiffany sits on her spot on the back of the couch where she holds court and surveys her domain...She is a truly brave and wise ruler of the Puddle and all its minions.....


From when the dive housing recently leaked and destroyed the little Nikon coolpix, I then examined my old Lumixs to see if the housing could be adapted to any of them (after refit). So far no go, but I realized this Lumix is a good point and shoot, and I want to start carrying everyday again, (Sounds like I should need a license for that). Today I wanted to test this one to assure that it wasn't one of the Lumixs with a sensor burn from my old habit of shooting into the sun.

I had a good music lesson today. Thanks K

I was most impressed  by the homily offered by Bishop Budde at the National Cathedral yesterday  worth a listen IMHO


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