I had decided last night that I would have a day off church today as I really needed a breathing space, however ten past ten saw me getting into the car and heading off as usual!
It was a pleasant service and the space was probably very good for me not to mention my immortal soul, lol.
I was due to meet the first of the kitchen designers today but they called up to cancel as she is sick. I was very pleasant on the phone but actually spitting feathers! This is the favoured company and I really wanted to get it under my belt. I've managed to rearrange for next week though so not too bad. I don't have many gaps left in my diary, though.
I went down to M& S (twice!). A second time because I'd realised in a panic when I went to pay, that my purse wasn't in my bag. I phoned home as I ran back to the car and fortunately Colin managed to find it. What a relief, off to India in two weeks and no bank cards would have been a nightmare! I went back to M&S and decided to reward myself with tea and a tea cake to calm my shattered nerves!
I made the family meal this afternoon. Chicken casserole and it's rather a tasty one if I do say so myself. I froze a couple of single portions too, which Colin can use while I'm away. He's perfectly capable of cooking for himself, but he might as well have these as back up.
I filled my super expensive "fight off the ravenous hoard of magpies and squirrels" bird feeder. The only bird that had a look at it was a robin who couldn't work out how to get in! I do hope it's not too small for him as he's our most regular visitor all year along with his mrs.
While in the garden I spotted my baby fish again, I managed to refrain from taking another blurry picture of it, lol, just! I think there may be more than one of them. I turned the water on at the stop tap and topped up the pond, there must be a leak somewhere I think as it can't be evaporating at this time of year. (I remembered to turn the stop tap off again afterwards too). I also noted that my pretty peacock bird bath has succumbed to the weather, We've hardly had any really sharp frosts so I think it may have had a knock at some point and the cold just finished the job. The birds didn't really like it anyway, so I'll get rid off it when I next venture out there.
I spent the evening updating the congregational lists and sorting various papers on my laptop. Ross, the curate, and I are going through them tomorrow afternoon to try to weed out the more creative parts of them and get a true picture. I also worked with our other warden on the profiles. We're nearly there but I've realised our website does not paint a true picture of us when you delve deeper into some of the pages. I think we're just going to have to do some heavy deleting just now though. No time for creative work. We don't want prospective recruits coming to the website to read about us though and thinking that we are something we are not. Really don't need all this just now!
.... Just after midnight now and definitely time for bed. I'm meeting two kitchen fitters tomorrow as well as the curate and then we are playing bridge in the evening - Phew!
At least dinner is cooked.
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