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By Arell

Rock Around the Socket

Mostly a day of reading, including devouring a book – all the way from a certain Manchester! – about the history of the Mallard, that well known A4 Pacific steam loco that got to 125mph (or 126mph depending on how you interpret the dynamometer car's trace) in 1938.

What's been bothering me almost more than my ribs is why my Rickenbacker's output socket is prone to cutting out the signal from one of the pickups.  It's been like this for several years.  I went at it sort of scientifically but in the end I couldn't find anything wrong at all.  I suppose it could just be worn, because the plug does waggle around quite a bit, but that didn't seem to affect the contact of the plug's tip in the socket.  I don't know.  I never seem to have much luck with all things electrical.

I later watched some YouTube stuff about the history (which I already knew) of the Africa Twin – its genesis in the 1985 Paris-Dakar rally raid bike and its subsequent roadgoing versions – and some stuff from current overlanding, adventuring, rufty-tufty biker dudes rocking their old XRVs…and I started to fall out of love with the whole thing and thinking of simpler times.

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