
By Boomerang


I took Bertie to Calgary for his morning walk. We hadn’t been there since before Christmas so it was a pleasant change and when we arrived we had the place to ourselves. There was a bit of a breeze and the air was so clear that we had a good view of the island of Tiree on the horizon. I liked the colours and shapes of the slopes and crags around the bay and snapped that for  my blip for today. There were a few birds around: mallards bouncing on the incoming surf, two great northern divers fishing for their breakfast, and a few oyster catchers whose call always brings back childhood memories.
I spent some considerable time sorting out new broadband and mobile telephone contracts but it was time well spent as I saved us some money on our monthly bills. Just as I completed this task there was a knock on the door, a friend who has been away for several weeks and wanted a catch up with us over a coffee. So again, a later walk for Bertie, although not as late as yesterday.

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