While the Death Star refuels, life goes on
Up and drove Mrs. Ottawacker into work and Ottawacker Jr. into school. He’s still a bit sniffly and I’m still a little under the weather, but both are holding our own. Couple of errands, then home. It’s pretty hard to reconcile living a normal life with living next door to a madman and his army of the Zombie Undead. Surely, some of them have to be reconstituted humans? Is there any way Elon Musk fulfills the requirements for homo sapiens species classification, for example? And is there any spark of life in Melania’s eyes? (This is where you imagine me shivering internally.)
It may be hard, but try we must. We have our own Army of the Undead in Canada, and many of them seem to live in Alberta. How do normal people in Alberta cope with this ongoing insanity? Do they all just move to Edmonton and wander around the mall, as in Highlander 3? (I know Highlander 3 wasn’t set in Edmonton, but bear with me.) How do you live and be governed by a Premier who is clinically insane? Not content with completely disbelieving any link between oil and gas emissions and global warming, Danielle Smith recently donned her tinfoil hat to argue about the risk of chemtrails. A confirmed antivaxxer (she compared vaccinated Albertans to supporters of 1930s National Socialism), she supports Trump’s views on gender, and is pushing for an independent Republic of Alberta, so the province can (among other things) break free from the shackles of Ontario and transport oil to its neighbour in the south.
What is it with wack jobs these days? Has there always been this desire to be independent? Look at the UK and the madness they caused there with Brexit. How do Albertans really think it will end well for them? I mean, personally, I’d let them go. If they are determined to leave, why spend billions and billions on keeping them? I’d rather they stayed, as the sane Albertans I have met (the ones that don’t wear cowboy hats) are really nice, intelligent and friendly people. I worked a lot with the University of Alberta, for example, and some of their researchers are among the smartest and nicest people I have ever met. But, if the wackos want out, then let them go: take back the federal infrastructure, work out a deal so they can contribute a part towards North American security, let the First Nations choose where they want to be, and wish them well. Let’s see if they can do it without imposing a provincial (or, as it will be, a national) income tax.
There are crazies everywhere. Maybe I am one of them, who knows? Nothing feels normal any more. Another case in point is football. In what parallel universe could a former player from Ottawacker Jr.’s club score against Liverpool at Anfield in the Champions League? But there you go, it happened. Jonathan David, former Ottawa Internationals’ striker, equalised for Lille against Liverpool (they still lost). Quite a surreal moment, especially as it was pretty much his only touch of the game. Really nice to see him doing well as, by all accounts, he is a lovely kid. He almost crawled off the pitch at full time though – there is a big difference between Ligue 1 and the Premier League.
Drove Ottawacker Jr. to his evening practice – and walked right into a “debate” about social media with him at the end. His godfather left us an old cell phone, which he thinks he has co-opted. One of his team mates invited him to a “chat group”. I gave an instant “no you are not” which led to an instant “moment of discord”. Read between the lines. I’m not against him using various media to chat with friends, but we need to have a conversation about it first. And I am unprepared at the present time. I may be fully prepared by tomorrow, however.
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