The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The naughty corner

We needed a third workstation in our tiny office ,so I fetched a table from the redundant side of the building. I’ve said I will sit in ‘the naughty corner ‘ behind the door next week. Shouldn’t think it will be anyone else’s favourite spot! I’ve decorated the wall with a Gothic postcard from Whitby, and another of the famous house in Derry inscribed ‘you are now entering Free Derry’ just to make it more homely . Perhaps I could paint a mural, ho ho.

After all the furniture moving, I actually got some work done, then caught the bus with my computer- trolley case and a sleeping bag, and walked through the cemetery in the mist. That was crazy dark and uneven, and I won’t be doing that again without a headtorch. Mind you, I’m not usually carrying a double sleeping bag, thank goodness!

Starting to pack for India. Woo hoo!


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Received early birthday card
From Damart catalogue

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