
By Bom

Not a Day for the Beach

Another cold day with light rain most of the day, it certainly felt a lot colder than 5C. This morning I walked into town first thing for a hair appointment and to get a few things - it was very quiet! I watched some tennis, but the matches were quite straightforward. This afternoon I drove to Sheringham for an eye test. I was seen by a young, inexperienced trainee who raised concerns over the OCT scan, then told me it was nothing; told me I had the start of cararacts, then told me it might come to nothing and to forget it; then told me my prescription had got worse and I need new glasses. He couldn’t  give me a copy of my prescription as it needed reviewing as he’s a trainee. So I’m half expecting a call tomorrow. I’ve left changing glasses until I see the prescription, particularly after I was given the wrong prescription/ lenses after my last test! My photo is on a mural on the side of one of the shops in Sheringham.

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