There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

The Sky Is a Lake of Fire / 13 Frozen Bubbles

We're vortexing in central Pennsylvania, and the frigid trend continues. What this means is that I can try for frozen bubbles all day long. Yeehaw!!! It was about 14 or 15 degrees F in the afternoon, and I managed to do two separate frozen bubble shoots. I was out for 45 minutes around 1 p.m. And as the sky started to get pink just before dusk (4:35 to 4:55), I did my second shoot.

My first shoot was frustrating because it was just too breezy. My bubbles kept popping. My husband suggested I move to a less brightly lit area of the yard by the rhododendrons that was more sheltered, and so I did. 

How I got this color set, I will NEVER know. My main shot is a one-off: a selfie (yes, that dark splotch is me, dressed in many layers) of me with the sky a lake of fire over my head! Wow, not sure how that happened, but I'll take it.

When I went out at day's end, I saw the sky turning pink and I wanted some of that for my bubbles. I blew 13 bubbles onto a table in our yard - I sort of thought they looked like eggs in a carton! - and you may see a shot of that in the extras.

As always, here's a link to my canonical list of bubble making tips.

I've got two songs for my frozen bubble episodes on this frigid day. First, for the shot above, I've got the Beatles, with Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds. :-) For my 13 bubbles in the extras, which I actually counted, I've got the Counting Crows, with Round Here.

P.S. In other news, I've been doing some baking and cooking that I have not gotten to show or tell you about:

1) I made brownies the other day that just stayed gooey. I baked and baked and baked them, then looked it up and realized the problem was that the mix was expired, by about 8 years. Take note: if you're baking with old brownie mix, you might need to add a leavening agent! (The brownies were still delicious, btw!)

2) Time for comfort food! I made fettuccine carbonara (carbonara = add bacon!) using linguine I bought online and a sauce made of cream and butter and garlic and parmesan cheese and flour and milk and salt and pepper. It was quite good but could have used a bit more sauce. I made so much that we froze about seven containers of it. As we reheat it, we'll add a bit more cream.

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