The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

As Murphy doesn’t settle well anywhere other than his own bed at home, he sleeps in the bed with us in Banchory. I say ‘us’, I mean ‘me’. The Prince feels that Murphy having 7/8ths of the bed and both of us crammed into the tiny space that’s left isn’t a recipe for a restful night so he decamps to one of the other rooms.

In the morning, The Prince asked if I’d managed to get any sleep.

“It was mixed. Murphy snores a lot less than you but at least you don’t stand up on the bed, turn round in a circle and flop down half a dozen times in the night!”

The Prince laughed that he’s easier to share a bed with after all.

I told The Prince later that another thing in his favour is that he doesn’t keep me awake licking the pillow for ages!*


*Yes I know that sounds a lot ruder than it is!

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