
By LifeInPictures

Warm !

So it's 38 degrees today...
I woke up early to get a visit to the doctor. I have to go for an x-ray in the noon of my jaw. When I had my accident I bruised it. After around 2 months now it still hurts so maybe there is more going on... Little nervous though.

I didnt do a lot today. Just need to stay a little inside to avoid the heat. But over about an hour I go to the hospital for the x-ray with my dad and then go to work in our store.

18:00. The Xray went really fast. It was funny. When we drove to the hospital we saw a sign which told us that it was 40 degrees outside .....

23:00 My dad told me there will be storm, thunder and lightning.. So I want to see that ! I want to TRY to get a picture of the lightning. That would be cool.. But if it comes it will be in the night so I hope I will wake up, which is really hard for me. I sleep tight because I'm used to a lot of noise of my hamsters. I didnt't work really hard at the store because it was just too hot. Tomorrow will be 27 degrees,, Still hot but it's better then today. I can't wait till this weather is just gone. I just want long days, sun, no sweating, 15 degrees. That's all !

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