Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Most of you will know that I am the sort of impulsive person who decides to take part in a challenge, only to find I am way off theme.  However, today, even though I didn’t look at the theme before I took this shot, I am “ON THEME”, which is “Colourful and/or Striking” - and I think you will agree that this humungous jigsaw puzzle, given to Mr. HCB for Christmas by our friend, Louise, is both those things.

He has done so well, and going back looking at my photographs, he started this 2,000 piecer, on 7th January - or at least, took the pieces out of the box on that date and has been gradually doing it ever since.  I wonder how many of you remember the various products mentioned on the jigsaw puzzle?

Mr. HCB has such patience, unlike me, and I am really proud of the way he has stuck at it - and not only that, but in between doing this huge one, he has also completed four of his Wentworth jigsaw puzzles, so top marks to Mr. HCB for perseverance!

I met a friend for coffee this morning, and we had a great time, the sun was shining and I thought it was getting warmer, but it’s now freezing cold again - in fact, when I got back home, I said to Mr. HCB, “When I got into the car, it said ‘-17’!!”  He looked at me, shook his head, in the knowing way he does that, then said in his very patient voice, “That’s the number of days since the car was telling us we need to get it serviced!”  Well, how would I know that?  Anyway, it felt very cold and could have been -17!

I blessed a couple of ladies in Morrisons with a wooden heart each when I called in there to do some shopping.  One of them, who was the customer in front of me, hugged me and said it had made her day and the dear lady on the till, was telling me about her family issues, and it almost made me cry!  I have almost run out of hearts with writing on them, so must get writing again - that’s over 400 given out in the last two or three months and some sent to my dear Blip friend in Canada.  As I always say, doesn’t take much to make someone happy - or even sad - but I’m pleased that people know they have been blessed!  

Hope you have all had a Wonderful Wednesday - stay warm and safe.  M xx

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