michigan man

By outdoorguy

Technicolor Tuesday

Alternate title...Oh No! Oh My! Please Don't Post the BMI!

A 2 week follow up with my surgeon today. The 18 staples came out of my belly, and then Lisa and I did some shopping, eventually buying a new mattress that is to be delivered on Thursday. WOO-HOO!

With all of the things going on in my mid-section, do I really need to sit up on the doctor's bed and look at a BMI (Body Mass Index) chart? While I find the chart interesting...DO I REALLY NEED TO KNOW AT THIS VERY MOMENT THAT I WEIGH TOO MUCH? I ALREADY KNOW IT!

Such a cold day to be out. When we left it was 8F, with the wind chill in the minus-teens. BRRR.

Onward and upward.

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