picture perfect...

..but all is not as it seems.

These postcards have appeared in our local library and look a little closer at the gentle, pastoral scene and the boat contains cattle and sheep.
Australia is the world's largest exporter of live animals for slaughter, primarily to Asia and the Middle East. Not only is the sea voyage fraught with potential danger, despite 'agreements' in place that the animals will be treated humanely on arrival, shocking footage of maltreatment continues to be revealed.
Animals cruelly and inhumanely handled and on occasions found to be 'unsuitable' and literally floating in no man's land.

The main reason for the live exports seems to be around the religious requirements of slaughter (what a powerful word it is). Debate rages as to why acceptable halal methods here in Australia cannot be applied and chilled meat exported, rather than live animals.
And it continues.

And no I'm not a vegetarian and a parallel debate continues here too with 'ethical' farming of animals for a nation of carnivores.
Our local butcher sells only 'free range' (and yes that is a debatable term too) meat and even the supermarkets are coming on board with the 'stall free' pork and free range chickens and eggs.

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