Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Another early start today. I had an appointment at the Queen Elizabth Hospital at 9.30am. The timing of the once an hour bus from my village to the hospital didn't fit so I had to book a taxi. 

My appointment was for an injection for osteoporosis.  I will need them every 6 months for 3 years.  This first one had to be done at the hospital but thankfully the rest can be done at my local GP surgery.

The unit where I was booked into is in the old part of the hospital ( what used to be the A & E dept ).  I was shown to a a large room with chairs all around the side.  Most of them were occupied with patients having infusions. I just needed an injection.  Lots of questions to answer then a quick  injection - and a wait of 30 mins to see if I was OK afterwards.  I was .... so I headed off to catch a bus to Gateshead.

Did some shopping in Tesco and then came home.   Put a load of washing on, did the washing up, had a cup of coffee ---- and went to bed for a while.

Weather was warmer than yesterday - but we still had rain.

The Tiny Tuesday theme is Alike, but Different .  I've blipped a couple of small rabbit ornaments. Ive had them for years - probably bought them at a car boot sale or in a charity shop.  Thanks to loisbiz for hosting.

Steps today - 6,313

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