
We bought a number of Buddleja not long after we moved in and they are now starting to flower, not many this year but next year hopefully a lot more. I think we now have 6 different varieties in total in the garden.

I think however this may be my first butterfly Blip of the year, shocking!
Not the greatest as it would have been nice to be a bit closer. Time was escaping though so it will most definitely do. I cannot believe I am running a day late at the moment as well, terrible form. Mind you come winter there is always plenty of time to be in front of the computer!

Apologies again as I STILL haven't caught up with a lot of you yet. A weekend with the in-laws and then working away all next week means it probably won't be for a little while yet! Thank you for sticking with me and I will get back to commenting on all your wonderful journals soon.

I wish sometimes there was a "like" button or equivalnet on Blip as it would make it easier. I do generally see all your lovely photos but in the last month or so have been lacking the time to comment. A "like" button would show that someone has been to see your picture, great when time is at a premium.

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