If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Starling ( Sturnus vulgaris )

A rare bird!  Well not really I have seen a dozen feeding at Kanyl's but we only see one occasionally in the garden.

This morning Clickychick called me up stairs she was hearing bird noises and couldn't work out where they were coming from.  The only place that seemed logical was behind the bath panel.  That is totally impossible, eventually we decided the noises were outside.

CC was then off to a meeting in the village she turned round to tell me there was a Starling on the roof and to add it to today's result in the BTO garden birdwatch (I complete this weekly).  In 11 years of blipping I have only blipped Starlings 5times and only three of those were in the garden.  So on with the long lens and out into the garden.

I took some shots, two to be exact, and off it flew.  So I moved position waiting slightly hidden.  Suddenly there was a Starling flying away from the house!  Where or where it it appear from.  Having recently had the roof retiled I knew there were no cavities it could have come from.

Then it was back perched at the very gable end and singing.  More shots taken.  Sadly I didn't manage to catch it with the beak wide open.  This was the Starling form of "song posting".  It had to have found a cavity somewhere.  Then my eyes dropped a few feet and all was explained!  The recent storm had blown the flap off the bathroom extractor fan. No wonder CC was hearing bird noises in the bathroom.

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