Up the Bump
I went over to Sheringham after lunch and fully intended to drive along the coast road to Weybourne for a walk along the cliff top. However, the road was closed and a diversion was in place, which would have taken me virtually back home again before returning to the coast. Instead, I decided to walk up to the top of Beeston Bump.
It's not a long walk but what it lacks in distance it gives in height. A climb of 63 metres which may not sound a lot, but in a fairly short distance it certainly gives the lungs a workout! The 'Bump' is the remains of a terminal moraine left over from the last ice age when the UK was still connected to Europe and the Thames and Rhine formed a large delta, before the ice melted and the sea level rose to make us the island we are today. This is the view from the top looking towards Cromer, with Cromer church tower just visible in the distance.
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