10 whole kilos

Don't tell Hobbs, but this is as close as I will ever get to the Kitchen Drawer.

This 10 Kg weight plate has hidden meaning.

When we went to New Zealand earlier this year my weight was definitely trending upwards. I do not blame New Zealand - not at all. It's not their fault that every tiny cafe and coffee shop serves the most delectable home-made cakes, slices and pastries.

But when we got home in February, although I was not at the "Good God, just take a look at that" stage, I was definitely what you would call "A Big Woman". Or if you come from Yorkshire "Aye, but she were a large lass".

This weight plate represents the weight I have lost since February. My knees have thanked me. I have a weigh way to go yet, but I reckon another 5 Kg should do it.

So here's some more existentialist questions. What happens to weight when you lose it? Where does it go? Is it hanging around "up there" somewhere, just waiting to come back home. And worst of all, am I adding to global warming by not hanging onto it?

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