
By KathyH58


I went for a walk at Shubie this morning before the temperatures dropped too much. The temperature was +4 C at 7 am, by 10 am it had dropped to -1 C and it now sits at -6 C.
A couple of other walkers had stopped to feed some chickadees and I stopped to chat with them and managed to get a couple of good shots of the chickadees.
While I was out I stopped at Walmart and Michaels. I needed to buy a frame at Michael's, the Photo Society has been invited to participate in a show at a local gallery so I am entering one of my photos.

While at Walmart I booked a couple of relines for February. The store has been doing some renovations and installing new shelving as they move sections. I did see in some notes that we may be moving shelves for the shampoo reline, but I am hoping that with the new fixtures, no shelves will have to be moved. Tomorrow I have to track down someone at 2 of the other Walmarts to get them booked. I spent some time this afternoon figuring out how many people I will need to help with each of the relines, and emailed those numbers off to the manager. She only needs to find 8 more people to work for some of them. I also told her that I am not working 10 hour days. Seven hours, possibly 8, is enough for me.

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