Desperately seeking

By clickychick


When I got up this morning I thought my arm was looking a bit pink and a tiny bit swollen where I'd had my punch biopsy last week. I was supposed to be making an appointment to have the stitches taken out next week but had to go out before I could get through on the phone.

By the time I got home from Social Club I was feeling tender and my stitches were no longer on the surface, but sunk into dimples. I rang the surgery and made my appointment for next week but asked if I could see someone this week. She made me an appointment there and then in 15 minutes time. Hurry! Change into T-shirt to make it easy to show them. Get in car and GO.

The nurse practitioner agreed it may be infected and, like I did, thought the stitches could come out now. She sent me home with 5-days supply of Flucloxacillin. So relieved those stitches are out!

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