Every Picture Tells .....


Greenhead Park


Today began with an early start—I left home just after 8:00 am and made my way over to Mold for a routine dental appointment. On examination, my dentist discovered an infection in a tooth where I had recently had  root canal treatment. She wrote me an (expensive) private prescription for antibiotics.

Once that was sorted, I hit the road again,  heading to Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. 

I had a bit of time on my hands so, after yesterday's pathetic step count, took a couple of walks including a lap of Greenhead Park which was one of my regular lunchtime walks back when I worked in the town.

For lunch,  I made my way to another of my  old favourite spots—Caffe Venecia in the heart of town. It used to a regular haunt of mine back for my early morning cappuccino and the occasional lunch. I had a  catch-up with Tony Singh, the owner, who’s always a pleasure to chat with. And as luck would have it, I bumped into Alex, a former work colleague, too. 

After lunch I headed to Holmfirth for yet another audiology appointment. 

Then home via Holmfirth, Greenfield and a foggy Saddleworth Moor.   After that, it was a wet and filthy drive home along the M60, M56, and  A55.

Home just after 5:00 pm

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