Me, Myself & Mallus, Maidstone

It has reverted back to grey, cold and depressing again weather wise so we find that really hinders our enthusiasm for getting off our backsides and out with our cameras - we just want to stay indoors and keep warm. We did have to pop out, however, as I needed to pick up some mango chutney to go with the veggie curry I made this morning.
After a quick drink we decided to go into town and force ourselves to get an image or two. We wandered around for a bit and then I spotted this restaurant and thought I'd take a sort of selfie but as I lifted my camera I saw this man with a dark holdall coming towards me and so I waited until his reflection appeared in the glass door as well. In the top right hand corner of the image you can see the blur of his face - result!
The name Mallus interested me so I did a bit of digging on t'internet and found out a number of different interpretations. Apparently, he is a high ranking demon (!) and overarching antagonist in season three of the American superhero adventure Legends Of Tomorrow who has become trapped in a time prison for centuries. Also, malus (with one L) means bad or harmful in latin. Finally, Mallus is also an ancient city in Cilicia, Anatolia so I'm presuming (and hoping) this is the version that relates to the restaurant!
My extra is a very unusual shot for me, a double street portrait. This couple saw I was taking a photograph and walked in front of my lens, posed for a brief second, so I shot just the one frame. The girl really makes the shot and I loved her sense of fun.

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