Hellcat - news and views

By hellcat2009

Can you tell what it is yet?

Today was spent mooching around, making the most of some peace and quiet. I had a very enjoyable afternoon curled up on the sofa, reading through some of N's impressive collection of sci-fi annuals and art books - Star Wars, Dr Who, Bond, Bladerunner ... fantastic. There are still plenty more to read too!

I used to be a massive sci-fi fan when I was younger, and I still have a real soft spot for the genre - especially the classics. Really made me want to watch some of the films again! Unfortunately, although I own most of them they are all on video, and I don't have a video player anymore! That's progress for you...

I did take a picture of the stack of books on N's coffee table, but it turned out to be too blurry to use. Instead, I give you this sci-fi inspired blip. Is it:

Futuristic buildings in a space colony?

Part of the Tardis' Time Rotor?

Something that fell off the back of the Millenium Falcon?

Mundane household items tweaked in Picasa?

Answers on a postcard please...

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